Unimportant to those who have files in the LOST.DIR papa, they may not sound like a name, but update them together is, of course, a simple task, so as to make the stench sound like a bad copy of the outgoing files.įor renewal, you can choose the following: However, as if they were able to see the files, as they copied, or transferred between the memory card and internal storage, or from the computer on Android and back, and the LOST.DIR folder is similar, you can try to update the color easily. Also, if you don’t plan to use a flash drive in your phone, see the folder clearly: it’s right, it’s opened when it’s connected to Android, and it’s not needed anymore. Until some negative inheritance is not given. The folder itself can be updated, but it will be empty. Like the LOST.DIR folder on the memory card of your Android borrows a lot of money, with all the important data in safety, and the phone is fine, you can see it clearly. Big ridkisny food - how to update files from the whole folder on the memory card.
One s frequent meals pohatkіvtsіv koristuvachіv - for the LOST.DIR folder on the flash Android phone, and you can see it.